Reformation Heritage Books

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Reformation Heritage Books
Founder(s) Joel Beeke
Date Founded 1994
Theological Tradition Reformed
Notable Figures Joel Beeke

RHB (or simply "RHB") is a Reformed publisher in the United States that was founded in 1994 by Joel Beeke, an American Reformed theologian who is a pastor in the Heritage Reformed Congregations and the chancellor of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Reformation Heritage Books was founded in 1994 with the purpose of distributing sound, Reformed, experiential literature. Since 1994, the Lord has blessed our ministry and given us a faithful staff and able board of directors.

The first publication by RHB was the reprint of Robert Hawker’s The Poor Man’s Morning and Evening Portions in 1995. Since then, RHB has published or reprinted over 150 titles. In 2008, RHB acquired the "Soli Deo Gloria" inventory from Ligonier Ministries which added an additional 120 titles to their list. In addition to the books RHB has published, they distribute another 3,000+ titles from other Reformed and Puritan publishers from around the world. RHB offers edifying Puritan and Reformed books for children through adults, for the new believer and for the pastor or scholar. All proceeds from book sales are returned to the fund for the publication of Reformed materials.

See also

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